Hello Neighbors!
Last week I had another amazing meet and greet in beautiful Boulder Creek. I am incredibly grateful to our gracious hosts for opening up their beautiful property to myself and our guests.
We covered a lot in this gathering. There was so much interesting conversation and good, tough questions. I'm not scared of tough questions and always welcome them!
One thing that came up a few times was my knowledge about budgetary issues. Because the Board of Supervisors oversees a huge budget of course understanding of such things is wildly important to someone who is seeking this position.
I have overseen budgets exceeding a million dollars running multiple businesses over the course of my career. I serve as the Treasurer, as a Board member of the Fire Safe Council of Santa Cruz County. I work as the CFO for one of my current businesses. I have a deep understanding of budgetary issues, have had to effectively control cost, manage income from both business and grants, and meet difficult budgetary goals in complicated times financially for my businesses and the non-profit I work with.
Understanding budgets is monumentally important to this position. Additionally, where you spend that money shows where your values lie. Working with the other members of the Board of Supervisors, Should I be honored with this position, I will bring that extensive experience managing finances to play for the people of Santa Cruz County and the 5th District.
Have questions for me? Want to find out from me why I believe I have the important skillsets to do this job well? I warmly invite you to connect. Let us know that you’d like to come to a meet and greet. Or, host a meet and greet yourself! Its a great opportunity for you to learn more about my campaign and for me to listen and hear your concerns. It matters to me.
See you on the campaign trail!