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How Will I Provide Needed Leadership?


Updated: Apr 4, 2024

Hey Neighbors!

The Lookout asked all 5th district supervisor candidates the same important question: "How will you provide the leadership our community needs and prepare to meet challenges as they arise?”.

Click this link to read article:

A supervisor's philosophy and approach matter. How do they interact with and listen to constituents? Who do they surround themselves with? I've said from the start: we need to challenge the status quo so everyone benefits, not just insiders. For too long, many in District 5 have felt unseen and unimportant. We need a supervisor deeply connected to everyday people. Someone accessible and responsive - the kind of candidate I've been, and the kind of supervisor I'll be.

Two things stand out. First, my staff must live in our diverse district and reflect its communities. Analysts who are disconnected from District 5 because they don’t live here are unacceptable. I promise real representation. Second is access. I'll hold office hours the include some evening and weekends so working folks can connect. Regular town halls across the district will let us gather, so I can hear your concerns. Your voice matters.

Right now, make your voice heard by voting! Ballots have arrived, and I'm heartened by your excited posts about voting by mail for me. I'm honored and humbled to have earned your vote. Election day is March 5. If a candidate gets over 50% in the primary, there's no runoff - it's decided. Please vote, tell friends to vote, and make a plan for election day.

Together, we can do this!


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