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Mountain Charlie Road: A Community's Fight for Safety and Access


Hey Neighbor,

Today I visited supporters severely impacted by the Mountain Charlie Road collapse. We had some great conversation about the community's concerns and the status of their repairs.

Initially, there was significant concern about funding even a temporary solution. However, Supervisor Bruce McPherson, working with the Department of Community Development and Infrastructure, secured funding from Measure D monies and work has begun on the temporary fix. We owe Supervisor McPherson our gratitude for his efforts in providing this community some peace of mind.

The residents themselves have demonstrated remarkable grassroots spirit. They've organized effectively, attended meetings, engaged the press, and pressed their elected officials, doing everything in their power to draw attention to this critical situation - and for good reason.

This community lies in an extreme fire danger area, with Mountain Charlie Road's southern side being particularly winding and narrow. A fire event here could pose severe threats to human safety, potentially trapping evacuees and hindering firefighters' access. The importance of this road was underscored recently when a single structure fire occurred, and firefighters had to take a lengthy detour, arriving 40 minutes later due to the road collapse.

Beyond the fire risk, the road closure has severely disrupted daily life. Some parents report 90-minute school commutes each way for their children. In one alarming instance, a distressed mother needed an hour to reach an emergency room with her child. These burdens shouldn't be minimized-over time this can take a great toll on mental health and the quality of life of our neighbors.

While the temporary fix offers some reassurance, there's ongoing concern about a permanent solution. With FEMA's disaster repair funds depleted and outstanding IOUs for COVID and CZU Fire aid, a swift resolution seems unlikely. Given our severe budgetary constraints, creativity and collaboration will be crucial in addressing such immense challenges facing our community.

This situation on Mountain Charlie Road is emblematic of challenges faced across the fifth district. From aging infrastructure to natural disaster preparedness, our communities often grapple with complex issues that require innovative solutions. The spirit of collaboration and grassroots activism demonstrated here serves as a model for how we can address district-wide concerns.

As we move forward, it's crucial that we apply this same creativity, determination, and community engagement to tackle the diverse challenges facing all corners of our district. By fostering strong partnerships between residents, local government, and other stakeholders, we can work towards comprehensive, sustainable solutions that enhance safety, improve quality of life, and build resilience throughout the entire fifth district.

In Community, always.


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